Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @10:57 PM

I have added another form of art to my little blogger portfolio over here at SharBar Art ... PHOTOGRAPHY!

I used to do photography a long time ago and stopped it for a long time because it just got too expensive and I couldn't really afford a nice DSLR camera or anything like that.

Now all that has changed. My boyfriend got me a Nikon D70 for Valentine's Day and I'm back in full action. It's been taking up a lot of my time but no worried, I'm still drawing and trying to create more digital graphics here and there.

Photography has just taken a hold of me lately because the concept of photography is just absolutely amazing to me and my boyfriend is a photographer as well and we are both happy to have something that we can do together as a couple and have that type of bonding that we share.

Here are a few samples of some of my work so far and the rest if you want to see more can be seen on FLICKR ACCOUNT.

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